Creating MapFish Views

Papyrus provides an implementation of the MapFish Protocol. This implementation relies on GeoAlchemy.

This section provides an example describing how to build a MapFish web service in a Pyramid application. (A MapFish web service is a web service that conforms to the MapFish Protocol.)

We assume here that we want to create a MapFish web service named spots that relies on a database table of the same name.

Setting up the db model

First of all we need an SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy mapping for that table. To comply with Papyrus’ MapFish Protocol implementation the mapped class must implement the Python Geo Interface (typically through the __geo_interface__ property), and must define __init__ and __update__ methods.

Implementing the Python Geo Interface is required for Papyrus to be able to serialize Spot objects into GeoJSON. The __init__ and __update__ methods are required for inserting and updating objects, respectively. Both the __init__ and __update__ methods receive a GeoJSON feature (geojson.Feature) as their first arguments.


Papyrus provides a class to help create SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy mapped classes that implement the Python Geo Interface, and define __init__ and __update__ as expected by the MapFish protocol. This class is papyrus.geo_interface.GeoInterface.

The GeoInterface class can be used as the super class of the user-defined class. For example:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from papyrus.geo_interface import GeoInterface

Base = declarative_base()

class Spot(GeoInterface, Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    geom = GeometryColumn('the_geom', Point(srid=4326))

# For SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy to be able to create the geometry
# column when Spot.__table__.create or metadata.create_all is
# called.

Or it can be used as the base class of classes generated by SQLAlchemy’s declarative layer. For example:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from papyrus.geo_interface import GeoInterface

# constructor=None is required for declarative_base to not
# provide its own __init__ constructor
Base = declarative_base(cls=GeoInterface, constructor=None)

class Spot(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    geom = GeometryColumn('the_geom', Point(srid=4326))

# For SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy to be able to create the geometry
# column when Spot.__table__.create or metadata.create_all is
# called.

GeoInterface represents a convenience method. Implementing one’s own __geo_interface__, __init__, and __update__ definitions may be a better choice than relying on GeoInterface.


When using GeoInterface understanding its code can be useful. It can also be a source of inspiration for those who don’t use it.

One can change the behavior of GeoInterface by overloading its __init__, __update__, and __read__ functions. The latter is called by the __geo_interface__ property, and is therefore the one to overload to change the behavior of __geo_interface__.

By default __read__ reads from column properties only. Likewise, __update__ writes to column properties only. Other property types are ignored. To make __read__ and __update__ consider other properties the __add_properties__ class-level property can be used. This property should reference a collection of property names. For example:

from papyrus.geo_interface import GeoInterface

class Type(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'type'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)

class Spot(GeoInterface, Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    geom = GeometryColumn('the_geom', Point(srid=4326))
    type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    type_ = relationship(Type)

    type = association_proxy('type_', 'name')
    __add_properties__ = ('type',)

With the above code features returned by the __geo_interface__ will include type properties. And __update__ will set type in Spot object being updated.

Without GeoInterface

Without using GeoInterface our Spot class could look like this:

class Spot(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
    geom = GeometryColumn('the_geom', Point(srid=4326))

    def __init__(self, feature): =

    def __update__(self, feature):
        geometry = feature.geometry
        if geometry is not None and \
           not isinstance(geometry, geojson.geometry.Default):
            shape = asShape(geometry)
            self.geom = WKBSpatialElement(buffer(shape.wkb), srid=4326)
            self._shape = shape ='name', None)

    def __geo_interface__(self):
        id =
        if hasattr(self, '_shape') and self._shape is not None:
            geometry = self_shape
            geometry = loads(str(self.geom.geom_wkb))
        properties = dict(
        return geojson.Feature(id=id, geometry=geometry, properties=properties)

# For SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy to be able to create the geometry
# column when Spot.__table__.create or metadata.create_all is
# called.


  • the pyramid_routesalchemy template, provided by Pyramid, places SQLAlchemy models in a file located at the root of the application’s main module (myapp.models).
  • the akhet template, provided by the Akhet package, places SQLAlchemy models in the file of the models module.

Setting up the web service

Now that database model is defined we can now create the core of our MapFish web service.

The web service can be defined through view callables, or through an handler class. View callables are a concept of Pyramid itself. Handler classes are a concept of the pyramid_handlers package, which is an official Pyramid add-on.

With view callables

Using view functions here’s how our web service implementation would look like:

from myproject.models import Session, Spot
from papyrus.protocol import Protocol

# 'geom' is the name of the mapped class' geometry property
proto = Protocol(Session, Spot, 'geom')

@view_config(route_name='spots_read_many', renderer='geojson')
def read_many(request):

@view_config(route_name='spots_read_one', renderer='geojson')
def read_one(request):
    id = request.matchdict.get('id', None)
    return, id=id)

@view_config(route_name='spots_count', renderer='string')
def count(request):
    return proto.count(request)

@view_config(route_name='spots_create', renderer='geojson')
def create(request):
    return proto.create(request)

@view_config(route_name='spots_update', renderer='geojson')
def update(request):
    id = request.matchdict['id']
    return proto.update(request, id)

def delete(request):
    id = request.matchdict['id']
    return proto.delete(request, id)

@view_config(route_name='spots_md', renderer='xsd')
def md(request):
    return Spot.__table__

View functions are typically defined in a file named The first six views define the MapFish web service. The seventh view (md) provides a metadata view of the Spot model/table.

We now need to provide routes to these actions. This is done by calling add_papyrus_routes() on the Configurator (in

import papyrus
from papyrus.renderers import GeoJSON, XSD
config.add_renderer('geojson', GeoJSON())
config.add_renderer('xsd', XSD())
config.add_papyrus_routes('spots', '/spots')
config.add_route('spots_md', '/spots/md.xsd', request_method='GET')

add_papyrus_routes is a convenience method, here’s what it basically does:

config.add_route('spots_read_many', '/spots', request_method='GET')
config.add_route('spots_read_one', '/spots/{id}', request_method='GET')
config.add_route('spots_count', '/spots/count', request_method='GET')
config.add_route('spots_create', '/spots', request_method='POST')
config.add_route('spots_update', '/spots/{id}', request_method='PUT')
config.add_route('spots_delete', '/spots/{id}', request_method='DELETE')

With a handler

Using a handler here’s what our web service implementation would look like:

from pyramid_handlers import action

from myproject.models import Session, Spot
from papyrus.protocol import Protocol

# create the protocol object. 'geom' is the name
# of the geometry attribute in the Spot model class
proto = Protocol(Session, Spot, 'geom')

class SpotHandler(object):
    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    def read_many(self):

    def read_one(self):
        id = self.request.matchdict.get('id', None)
        return, id=id)

    def count(self):
        return proto.count(self.request)

    def create(self):
        return proto.create(self.request)

    def update(self):
        id = self.request.matchdict['id']
        return proto.update(self.request, id)

    def delete(self):
        id = self.request.matchdict['id']
        return proto.delete(self.request, id)

    def md(self):
        return Spot.__table__

The six actions of the SpotHandler class entirely define our MapFish web service.

We now need to provide routes to these actions. This is done by calling add_papyrus_handler() on the Configurator:

import papyrus
from papyrus.renderers import GeoJSON
config.add_renderer('geojson', GeoJSON())
config.add_papyrus_handler('spots', '/spots',
config.add_handler('spots_md', '/spots/md.xsd',
                   'myproject.handlers:SpotHandler', action='md',

Likewise add_papyrus_routes add_papyrus_handler is a convenience method. Here’s what it basically does:

config.add_handler('spots_read_many', '/spots',
                   action='read_many', request_method='GET')
config.add_handler('spots_read_one', '/spots/{id}',
                   action='read_one', request_method='GET')
config.add_handler('spots_count', '/spots/count',
                   action='count', request_method='GET')
config.add_handler('spots_create', '/spots',
                   action='create', request_method='POST')
config.add_handler('spots_update', '/spots/{id}',
                   action='update', request_method='PUT')
config.add_handler('spots_delete', '/spots/{id}',
                   action='delete', request_method='DELETE')

Note: when using handlers the pyramid_handlers package must be set as an application’s dependency.

API Reference

class papyrus.geo_interface.GeoInterface(feature=None)[source]

Base class for SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy mapped classes. Using this class mapped objects implement the Python Geo Interface (__geo_interface__) and expose __init__ and __update__ functions as needed for use with papyrus.protocol.Protocol.

Using the class is optional, and implementing its own __geo_interface__, __init__ and __update__ functions in its mapped classes is another option.

This class can be used as the base class of the user-defined class. Example:

class Spot(GeoInterface, Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    geom = Column('the_geom', Geometry('POINT', 4326))

Or as the base class of classes generated by SQLAlchemy’s declarative layer. Example:

# constructor=None is required for declarative_base to not
# provide its own __init__ constructor
Base = declarative_base(cls=GeoInterface, constructor=None)

class Spot(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    geom = Geometry('the_geom', Geometry('POINT', 4326))
__add_properties__ = None

Use this property to make __read__() and __update__() read from, and write to, additional properties. By default column properties only are considered. Default is None.


class Spot(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'spots'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    geom = Column('the_geom', Geometry('POINT', 4326))
    type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')
    type_ = relationship(SpotType)
    type = association_proxy('type_', 'type')
    __add_properties__ = ('type',)

GeoInterface objects implement the Python Geo Interface, making them candidates to serialization with the geojson module, or the Papyrus GeoJSON renderer.


Called by the protocol on object creation.


  • feature The GeoJSON feature as received from the client.

Called by __geo_interface__.


Called by the protocol on object update.


  • feature The GeoJSON feature as received from the client.

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class papyrus.protocol.Protocol(Session, mapped_class, geom_attr, readonly=False, **kwargs)[source]

Protocol class.

an SQLAlchemy Session class.
the class mapped to a database table in the ORM.
the key of the geometry property as defined in the SQLAlchemy mapper. If you use declarative_base this is the name of the geometry attribute as defined in the mapped class.
True if this protocol is read-only, False otherwise. If True, the methods create(), update() and delete() will set 405 (Method Not Allowed) as the response status and return right away.
a callback function called before a feature is inserted in the database table, the function receives the request, the feature read from the GeoJSON document sent in the request, and the database object to be updated. The latter is None if this is is an actual insertion.
a callback function called before a feature is updated in the database table, the function receives the request, the feature read from the GeoJSON document sent in the request, and the database object to be updated.
a callback function called before a feature is deleted in the database table, the function receives the request and the database object about to be deleted.
count(request, filter=None)[source]

Return the number of records matching the given filter.


Read the GeoJSON feature collection from the request body and create new objects in the database.

delete(request, id)[source]

Remove the targetted feature from the database

read(request, filter=None, id=None)[source]

Build a query based on the filter or the idenfier, send the query to the database, and return a Feature or a FeatureCollection.

update(request, id)[source]

Read the GeoJSON feature from the request body and update the corresponding object in the database.