Source code for papyrus.geo_interface

from sqlalchemy.orm.util import class_mapper
from import ColumnProperty

from geoalchemy2.types import Geometry
from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape, to_shape

import geojson

from shapely.geometry import asShape

[docs]class GeoInterface(object): """ Base class for SQLAlchemy/GeoAlchemy mapped classes. Using this class mapped objects implement the Python Geo Interface (``__geo_interface__``) and expose ``__init__`` and ``__update__`` functions as needed for use with :py:class:`papyrus.protocol.Protocol`. Using the class is optional, and implementing its own ``__geo_interface__``, ``__init__`` and ``__update__`` functions in its mapped classes is another option. This class can be used as the base class of the user-defined class. Example:: class Spot(GeoInterface, Base): __tablename__ = 'spots' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) geom = Column('the_geom', Geometry('POINT', 4326)) Or as the base class of classes generated by SQLAlchemy's declarative layer. Example:: # constructor=None is required for declarative_base to not # provide its own __init__ constructor Base = declarative_base(cls=GeoInterface, constructor=None) class Spot(Base): __tablename__ = 'spots' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) geom = Geometry('the_geom', Geometry('POINT', 4326)) """ __add_properties__ = None """ Use this property to make :py:meth:`.__read__` and :py:meth:`.__update__` read from, and write to, additional properties. By default column properties only are considered. Default is ``None``. Example:: class Spot(Base): __tablename__ = 'spots' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) geom = Column('the_geom', Geometry('POINT', 4326)) type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('') type_ = relationship(SpotType) type = association_proxy('type_', 'type') __add_properties__ = ('type',) """
[docs] def __init__(self, feature=None): """ Called by the protocol on object creation. Arguments: * ``feature`` The GeoJSON feature as received from the client. """ if feature: for p in class_mapper(self.__class__).iterate_properties: if not isinstance(p, ColumnProperty): continue if p.columns[0].primary_key: primary_key = p.key if hasattr(feature, 'id') and is not None: setattr(self, primary_key, self.__update__(feature)
[docs] def __update__(self, feature): """ Called by the protocol on object update. Arguments: * ``feature`` The GeoJSON feature as received from the client. """ for p in class_mapper(self.__class__).iterate_properties: if not isinstance(p, ColumnProperty): continue col = p.columns[0] if isinstance(col.type, Geometry): geom = feature.geometry if geom and not isinstance(geom, geojson.geometry.Default): srid = col.type.srid shape = asShape(geom) setattr(self, p.key, from_shape(shape, srid=srid)) self._shape = shape elif not col.primary_key: if p.key in setattr(self, p.key,[p.key]) if self.__add_properties__: for k in self.__add_properties__: setattr(self, k,
[docs] def __read__(self): """ Called by :py:attr:`.__geo_interface__`. """ id = None geom = None properties = {} for p in class_mapper(self.__class__).iterate_properties: if isinstance(p, ColumnProperty): if len(p.columns) != 1: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError col = p.columns[0] val = getattr(self, p.key) if col.primary_key: id = val elif isinstance(col.type, Geometry): if hasattr(self, '_shape'): geom = self._shape elif val is not None: geom = to_shape(val) elif not col.foreign_keys: properties[p.key] = val if self.__add_properties__: for k in self.__add_properties__: properties[k] = getattr(self, k) return geojson.Feature(id=id, geometry=geom, properties=properties)
@property def __geo_interface__(self): """ GeoInterface objects implement the Python Geo Interface, making them candidates to serialization with the ``geojson`` module, or the Papyrus GeoJSON renderer. """ return self.__read__()